Snake Form (Five Animals Style)

Some of the most popular and easily recognizable techniques of the Chinese martial arts are the Shaolin 5-Animals. The 5-Animals are integral to many of the classical southern styles. Master Lin Jia Kun style 5-Animals Hung Fist teaches an individual routine for each of the five animals (Tiger, Crane, Leopard, Snake, Dragon) as well as the advanced sets including Snake & Cat, Tiger & Dragon, Southern Eagle, Lohan Palm and 8 Drunken Immortals! The seminar will cover the Snake form as taught by Master Chen Shuei Tsai of Taiwan. This set emphasizes smooth coiling movements as well as lightning fast hand strikes aimed at the body’s vital points. The form and fighting applications will be covered including ChinNa (joint locks) and Shuai Chiao (wrestling) as well and the ground fighting techniques of the snake style.

On July 18th – 20th, Master Travis Alschbach will be conducting a workshop at the 2014 Legends of Kung Fu and Taiji Legacy tournament covering Traditional Southern Snake form of Lin Jia Kun.

Students will learn & receive:

•    Snake Form (Taiwanese Five Animals style)

•    Fighting Applications and QinNa and Shuai Chiao

•    Receive written material covering Snake form history / background as well as the steps of the sequence

•    Snake form Video for review and practice

Don’t miss the chance to learn this rare and unique Traditional Kung Fu Form!

For workshop schedules and announcements, please visit


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