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Master Ray Hildreth will be conducting a workshop at the 2014 Legends of Kung Fu and Taiji Legacy tournament held in Dallas, Texas on July 18th – 20th

Master Ray Hildreth’s workshop, Walking Cane Self-Defense covers traditional self-defense weapons such as guns and pocket knives are banned in many public facilities such as libraries, restaurants, malls, etc. Try to board a plane with a pair of scissors or pepper spray and see how far the TSA inspectors let you get. The walking cane 1 may 2009 … hydroxyzine is an antihistamine. this medicine is used to treat allergy symptoms. buy atarax online is an excellent self-defense tool and is the exception to the weapons ban as it can be carried anywhere that you travel. This workshop will cover ways and methods to use the walking cane in a variety of self-defense scenarios. Regardless of your martial arts style and experience level, this workshop can enhance your self-defense capabilities.

Participants are advised to bring their own cane top quality medications. average cost of generic zoloft . online drugstore, generic zoloft hives. to the workshop.

For more information, please visit


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